Become a Fully Qualified Personal Trainer, Online in Just 90 Days!
Become a fully qualified Gym Instructor/Personal Trainer/Advanced Personal Trainer online in as little as 90 days
Self-Paced E-Learning Diploma
Work at your own pace
Dedicated Tutor to work with
Dedicated Online Classroom
On-demand video support
Two additional career supporting CPDs
Business for Fitness Professionals CPD
Programing in real life CPD
Access to the 90 days Blueprint
Private video library
Two years of course access
Career support (After course care)
Level 3 Diploma on completion
Instant access - start right away
90 Day Program
Weekly 3 hour webinars
Webinars on demand (recorded)
Tutor weekly Q&A
Dedicated Tutor to work with
Dedicated Online Classroom
Two additional career supporting CPDs
Career support (After course care)
Private video library
Two Years of course access
Qualify in 90 days
Level 3 Diploma on completion
Instant Access - get a head start on your course starting date
International 90 Day Program
Weekly 3 hour webinars
Webinars on demand (recorded)
Tutor weekly Q&A
Dedicated Tutor to work with
Dedicated Online Classroom
Two additional career supporting CPDs
Career support (After course care)
Private video library
Two Years of course access
Qualify in 90 days
L3/4 Certificates on completion
Instant Access - get a head start on your course starting date
Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 Courses Available
About Us
iPTqualifications is uniquely placed to offer the very best regarding education in the fitness field. Our team spans the UK and Internationally. It has global real-life working experience behind us. With over 100 years of Personal Training between the Tutor team, we can also give you up-to-date advice that makes your education essential and relevant to your upcoming career.
Wherever you are in the UK or the World we want to ensure you have the best education and the ability to work anywhere you want.
Busy professional, student, or fitness enthusiast we are here to ensure your dream career kicks off with the help and support that previous online courses have not been able to provide.
We are an accredited center of learning by ActiveIQ which means we are regulated by Ofqual and recognised by CIMSPA in the UK and EREPS/ICREPS internationally. With our courses being accredited you will be able to gain employment and insurance in the UK and wordlwide.