Our Courses...
You may still be a little confused so to clear that up these are what we have on offer and who they may be good for...
Gym Instructor Course
This is a mandatory course that you need to complete to gain access to the Level 3 Personal Training Course.
This course comes as part of the Diploma and is not required additionally.
As a stand-alone course, it would be ideal for those looking for part-time work in leisure centres or ideally for class instructors who may in the future look to Personal Training.
Personal Training Course
The course everyone is excited to get onto and complete. If you already have a Level 2 Certification then you can go straight into this course.
For those that do not have Level 2 Gym Instructing this course is again packaged with the Diploma.
This course would be ideal for someone who has the prior qualification and is ready to jump in and complete to the Personal Training Level 3.
Diploma - Combined Level 2 and 3
With the Diploma you get the most encompassing course there is and this is why we have selected it as our course of choice.
Level 2 will lay the foundations for how you communicate and coach while Level 3 ups the ante and teaches you the more specialised skills needed to work 121 with individuals or in small groups.
This qualification is for those wanting the best education around Personal Training.
CPDs - Continual Professional Development
CPDs really help fitness professionals grow their skillsets and interests throughout their careers.
We always recommend doing 1-2 CPDs per year, which can be big or small courses but something that will add to your current knowledge and take you closer to where you want to be as a professional.
CPDs can help with a whole range of professional points including upskilling, increasing prices, filling knowledge gaps and just having some fun.
Feel free to contact us if there is something we do not offer and you would like to see it put forward.
International Level 3 & 4
Our International courses are for those outside of the UK but still wish to be taught by British Tutors.
We still offer the same packages but the courses are mapped differently to the EREPs and ICREPs standards. This removes any of the specific UK elements that the normal Diploma teaches.
The course itself is taught through different methods, such as written, video, interaction, and more. We provide the same models of 90 Days and Self Paced to allow you the same freedoms in completing this course.
It is aimed at all regions outside of the UK but always speak to us if unsure about what course to purchase.
Coming Soon...
We love teaching courses that our students are passionate about and although this is not an exhaustive list it does highlight some of the courses coming your way in 23/24:
Level 2 ETM
Level 2 Metabolic Circuits
Level 2 Kettlebells
Level 2 Suspension Training
Level 2 Boxing + Kickboxing add on
Level 2 Core & Functional Training
Level 3 Fast Track (6 week in person)
Level 3 Assessor Qualification
Level 3 Teaching (for Tutoring)
Level 3 Pre/Post Natal
Level 4 Nutrition