Your Qualifications with us...
When students come to us we hope they have done their homework, but it is very hard to get simple answers online about what you need or get from course providers sometimes including even the price. So we want to be as tranparent as possible so you understand even more than before and the other things they dont tell you...
Education - How do I make the right choice?
130 Hours of Learning
Lowest point of entry to PT
In terms of the number of training hours required, Awards are the ‘shortest’ or ‘smallest’ qualifications offered. An Award is any qualification that requires up to 130 hours to complete and is equal to up to 13 credits. So, if you haven’t figured it out, one credit roughly equals around 10 learning hours.
“What are credits?” we hear you ask. Credits refer to the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF), a system designed to index qualifications by their size and level. Think of the RQF as a library, with its associated qualifications carefully cataloged to reflect its value, content, and purpose.
Because Awards represent the shortest version of a course, they have the fewest number of modules. Modules are used to calculate the Total Qualification Time (TQT) as well as Guided Learning Hours (GLH) – the number of hours spent being taught or supervised as part of a learning course.
130-370 Hours of Learning
Middle ground of knowledge for PT
Certificate qualifications are the next step up from Awards. They vary broadly in terms of TQT (total qualification time) and GLH (guided learning hours), with some Certificates requiring just 130 hours to complete (13 credits) and others up to 370 hours (37 credits).
In the training world, Certificates are often considered a happy middle ground. They offer comprehensive course content to help you master a particular area of study, generally providing all the knowledge you need to take your career to the next level or pursue further education.
370+ Hours of Learning
Top level of PT training - this is what we offer at iPT
Within the parameters of the RQF, Diplomas are considered the longest and most comprehensive qualifications available. They generally require over 370 hours of training to complete, equating to 37 credits within the RQF system.
Diplomas offer wide-ranging coverage of the chosen subject matter, providing detailed training designed to develop your skills to the optimal level. In-depth and challenging, Diplomas present a significant milestone for learners of all ages but do provide advanced skills and knowledge to help accelerate and drive your career forward.
Making a choice
Now that you understand the different levels of education you can complete gaining entry to becoming a fully accredited, fully insured, and fully recognised Personal Trainer making an informed choice.
Sometimes you might need to go with the shorter version of the course and this is fine we are here to support you even if you do not choose us. Beware though a lot of the time it may come with support from a Mentor or Assessor - they are not Tutors just those who mark your work or assess your assessments.
Tutors must complete even more training in order to be able to help teach you the coursework. This is why Tutor support is even more advantageous to completing your course and helping you understand the material.
Price will always be a factor but remember you pay for what you get our price points are competitive, but for the Diploma, Tutor's support, industry recognition, and more importantly the start to your career you get from us - well that's what makes us the go-to choice.
We hope you choose us so you can be Tutored by some of the industry's best, gain a regulated Diploma by Ofqual, become a certified Personal Trainer accredited by ActiveIQ, recognised by CIMSPA, REPS, EREPS, and ICREPS but also and maybe most importantly gain the best start possible to being a fitness professional.
We can't wait to work with you from all of us at iPT...